One of the issues is that if we're going to make them equity partners, then we have to have that kind of clarification come from the government, which then allows us to go back to our shareholders and the stock exchange and have that validated.
I have an exploration company that's made some terrific discoveries in Madagascar. At some point, we're going to have to give them a piece of the pie. We're not familiar with that situation or how much that should be or whether it should be a stepping process, etc., so maybe we're back to the rules again.
I don't begrudge doing that. If we can get the magnitude of the discovery—and I'm just speaking of James Bay—to a level where the native communities would get an appropriate amount of money to do the training and things of that nature, they're only going to move themselves forward, but they're going to have a fight in the community between the older people and how they view the land and the younger people who want to work. That's a tough one.