This program is very important for four reasons: it responds to a significant demand, it creates jobs, it stimulates the economy and it is beneficial for the environment.
I would like to give you some figures. More than 510,000 registrations have been submitted and they have risen in number from 37,500 to 200,000 per year. The program is clearly very popular. As an example, 1,139 grants have been made in my constituency, meaning that 1% of the population has benefited. The government receives more than 500 requests for information per day. That is a significant figure.
In terms of job creation, it means 3,500 person-hours. It is a significant aspect of energy efficiency. The jobs created are well-paid, either in construction, renovation and administration, or for manufacturers, suppliers and wholesalers. The Save ecoENERGY Coalition represents more than 1,600 companies. This has a major impact on, and contributes positively to, the economy. For every $100 invested, homeowners invest $10. It brings in taxes. For every dollar invested by homeowners, the government collects $2 in taxes. One thousand local businesses in the energy efficiency sector are threatened with closure if the ecoENERGY program is not maintained.
In closing, I would like to say that these initiatives correspond fully with Canada's international obligations on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is important, therefore, to talk about this program a lot. As the budget will soon be presented, I feel that it is an area where all our energy must be directed.
Thank you.