I appreciate the challenge it can be sometimes for parliamentarians to look at main estimates versus main estimates and to interpret increases or decreases, because there can be different factors at play. In some cases, for example, what appears as a decrease is actually relative to a number that it was last year, not in main estimates but in supplementary estimates.
With regard to the two programs that you cited, on ecoENERGY efficiency and ecoENERGY innovation, those were announced last year in Budget 2011 and therefore were not found last year in the main estimates, but found their way into the supplementary estimates. That is simply the way the budget process works. Those are successful programs that were renewed.
I should mention as well, as this is pertinent to the issues concerning forestry, that our department, Natural Resources Canada, has been funded largely over the last number of years by what is called C-base funding, which is temporary funding. We're given moneys over a period of years and we have to go and report back on the results. If we show that the results were positive, then we are given another three or five years to continue with the same programs, or to modify the programs, based on the performance, based on the evaluations we conduct.
In terms of clean energy, we conducted those reviews, conducted the evaluations, and we were able to make the case to the Department of Finance and to the other authorities—obviously, the minister, and the Prime Minister, ultimately—that these were sensible programs, useful programs.
They were renewed in Budget 2011 to both foster greater efficiency in the use and production of energy and to create innovation. And we have there a competitive process where we are funding a range of energy innovation initiatives right across the country.