Thank you for the question.
The oil sands are, as I said, one of the most important economic engines in our country, and the largest energy project in the entire world. This resource has attracted more than $137 billion in capital investment—of that, more than $116 billion in the last ten years alone.
The oil sands are responsible for more than 400,000 jobs in Canada. These jobs are in every sector of the economy, in the skills trade, manufacturing, clerical, financial—everywhere.
Of course, as I said, they are a large source of revenue for governments at all levels. In fact, over the past five years the oil and gas extraction sector has added $22 billion a year to government revenues. That's $22 billion for governments to invest in things like education, health care, roads, bridges, cutting-edge research, and lower taxes for Canadian families. I talked about the 700,000 jobs, on average, over the next 25 years, assuming the oil sands proceed and are developed with all the accompanying infrastructure.