This is really an excellent program. Through this geomapping for energy and minerals program, we're investing $100 million over five years to expand and modernize our geoscience and knowledge base.
GEM is exploring innovative approaches to help aboriginal communities benefit from the new knowledge it generates. For example, Nunascience is a new initiative being piloted by Iqaluit's Arctic College to make GEM project results accessible and understandable to all northerners, including local governments, land use planners, elders, and students.
The GEM program over the years has generated some $3 for every $1 in government expenditure. The $3 is in exploration, and then of course development will follow from that. It is doing what private companies cannot or haven't been able to do, and that is to map large sections of the north to focus companies on areas that are most promising and then to provide that information free to everyone. That results in a kind of gold rush mentality, where companies will stake claims and commence exploration activities. That is producing employment, economic activity, and revenue for governments.
It's a very successful program. We're very proud of it, and we intend to see it continue.