Thank you very much.
Within our regulatory framework we do have two documents focused on small reactors. One is “Design Requirements for Small Reactors” and the other is “Deterministic Safety Requirements for Small Reactors”. What these do is to set out the safety goals.
They set out the safety goals for accident frequencies and consequences. One of the things we look at is external events, whether they would be weather events or security type events, and those are assessed uniquely in the particular site that is chosen.
Based on the Fukushima events that occurred last year, events that were then thought to be beyond the design basis are now considered to be within the design basis. So we require our proponents to come in and explain, regardless of how they got there, how they are going to survive without power and water. Then they really have to show that their safety case could hold up. Then we don't worry as much about what caused it, but how the reactor is going to survive the event regardless of what caused it.