That's an excellent question because, as I said, one of our mandated objectives is to disseminate objective information. For example, on June 5 we'll be in northern Quebec in the community of Mistissini for one day, an aboriginal community. The next day, we'll be in the community of Chibougamau. We are trying to explain the safety case for nuclear. There is a hearing about a nuclear mine.
We've implored the proponent to bring in people from Saskatchewan. They have a lot of experience in interacting with communities regarding employment, mining, and the safety case, bringing all of that to the table so that everybody can see it. We are not promoting the mine; our mandate is not to promote. Our mandate is that whatever you build, it should be safe. But the level of ignorance of some of the safety cases is astounding in many cases, so we try to bring actual factual, objective information to the table so that people can hear it.