Yukon is still experiencing a housing crunch. It is not only the city of Whitehorse. It expands into the communities. A large part of that challenge for us is probably because there is a lack of planning and foresight into how much our population is going to expand, recognizing that the demographics are changing, that our children are now in the housing market, so more pressures are being created there.
Our challenge, from the chamber's prospective, is to have housing that is affordable. The rental market is extremely low, with a vacancy rate of probably about 1% right now, a situation that is creating huge problems in attracting young professionals to the territory or in keeping our own younger people in the territory to stay here and work.
Government at all levels is very responsible in its commitment to social housing, whether it's the government of first nations, Yukon, or Canada.
We're talking about housing that is affordable for people. Right now we just don't have that. That lack is creating problems within the business community. They can't attract or keep skilled and unskilled people here.