Certainly, investment in the mine training fund.... Canada has invested heavily in it, but more investment is required. That has been very successful in getting Yukoners working in the resource development area. Other activities that I'm involved in include developing skills model tables.
In the Yukon right now the situation is a little odd, because the April statistics indicate an unemployment rate of 7.9%, which is actually the highest we've seen in a couple of years. We have been down as low as a 4.5% to 5% unemployment rate, which was very difficult for us.
In terms of training, there has also been discussion on creating a university in the north. That would be extremely helpful in keeping our children here in the territory. I'm sure it's no different in the NWT. When our children go south for a university education, we often lose them; they stay south. Being able to provide that training and educational opportunity in the north would be extremely valuable.