Right. It's something we struggle with all the time: what is the ultimate potential of the north? As the geoscience becomes available, we'll know more. And as industry starts to explore more, we'll even find increased potential.
But from what we know today in terms of the pipeline in the near term, precious metals such as gold certainly are...and diamonds, of course. We see that already. The known diamonds have a shelf life of maybe another 20 years. If we could find more kimberlite pipes and other deposits, we could extend the life of those.
I think there's a real challenge for us to diversify and substitute, as I was saying earlier, what in the Northwest Territories constitutes just under half their GDP at the moment. There's a real pressure, if you like, or incentive for us to look at other deposits. But we're looking at zinc. We're looking at lead. We're looking at silver. We're looking at cobalt, uranium, iron and, as I mentioned already, copper. The potential is there for diamonds, precious metals, base metals, and also rare earths.