Mr. Chair, I think I have an outstanding question from my first round that is still to be answered. It's about the agreement. We, the Government of Canada, invest; we have this information in our systems; we provide it for the private sector. What do we get back as taxpayers for that investment other than the obvious economic development that ensues?
My second question is about your information systems. With the Government of Canada going forward with its open data, open information initiative—and not only that, but also consolidating government information systems from the current widespread and massive number of information systems we now have—how is that going to affect the information systems you have? I'm assuming you're using GIS technology for all of your mapping, and so on, and I'm wondering what the effect on that will be.
Also, could you explain to me the royalty structure? If you're collecting on does that rebate system work with the territorial governments? I'm curious as to how that works. What departments and what agencies are involved, and is there some way we could get some clarification on this?
If you could do that in four minutes or less, that'd be great.