I know you did. That's why I'm saying, given the economic benefits that flow from Alberta's energy sector, I would frankly think it is a good study for this committee, although I would take note that the committee has, apparently, at this point not seen fit to do so.
I'm not quite sure what urgency has precipitated this motion. I can speculate as to the urgency that's precipitated this motion, but apparently the committee hasn't seen fit to do so thus far. Therefore, in light of both Mr. McGuinty's and Mr. Trudeau's—how shall we say?—absence of acknowledged expertise on this particular study—that is, the economic benefit—I wonder whether the mover of the motion would entertain a friendly amendment, which I will read into the record:
That given that fair treatment of all provinces is vital for Canada's natural resources sector, the committee invite the Right Hon. Stephen Harper to explain the following quotes:
First is a quote that he made during a speech to the Council for National Policy in June 1997. It is:
“Obviously, the issue here is not slavery, but the appeasement of ethnic nationalism. For years, we've had this Quebec separatist movement. For years, we elected Quebec prime ministers to deal with that, Quebec prime ministers who were committed federalists who would lead us out of the wilderness. For years, we have given concessions of various kinds of the province of Quebec, political and economic, to make them happier. ... This has not worked.”
Next is a quote made to the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, again in 1997, in reference to the 1997 Reform Party:
Another Reformer, former MP Stephen Harper—