I'm shocked that you would say so, Mr. Chair. I didn't realize you had such multi-tasking talent. I thought you were a straight-ahead kind of guy.
As you appreciate, the Premier of Alberta is a very capable individual, very well qualified for her position. What I like about her is not only that she represents her province well but that she also takes into view the interests of the nation. I think that's to be commended in a provincial politician.
I particularly appreciated her efforts in Halifax, where she tried to bring a number of the premiers together. My goodness, she was so skilled as to even bring Premier Marois into the discussion about energy and other matters that affect our nation.
It's rather a pity that other politicians, particularly senior politicians and particularly senior federal politicians, aren't able to see the national interest at these premiers' meetings, but I remain eternally optimistic, Mr. Chair, that the Premier of Alberta will set a fine example for other politicians.