We have an expert helping us here today, an expert besides our normal clerk.
I asked her to look at the issue that I had brought up, which was that an amendment is out of order procedurally if it raises a question substantially the same as one that has been ruled on in the same session. I don't know how this has been handled in the past. I'd like to see what the committee clerk, Isabelle, has to say. Let's have a little discussion on this.
Mr. McKay, this is your second proposal in terms of amendments. You've requested in your amendment that the Premier of Alberta come before the committee and now you're requesting the Premier of British Columbia. If there is a third request, I'll have to make a ruling on that, because you're raising a question substantially the same as the one that we've already dealt with. I don't want to presume what you're going to do, but let's go to the discussion on this proposed amendment first.