I hesitate to speculate about a project that is currently in process. If you permit me, I'll maybe use a slightly different example, the Mackenzie gas pipeline. There you have a very major project running through an area with many aboriginal people with not even claimed rights; they were real rights in the sense that they had been recognized and defined through land claim settlement agreements, with some groups not yet in that stage but with very strong claims.
The consultation process there was very deep. It was extensive information sharing at virtually every stage of decision-making. There was extensive information, considerable efforts by a number of departments to go out physically to visit communities to ensure that they had the information and understood it, and had money to hire experts so they were well informed when they provided their input back. And when the information started to come back, there was tremendous effort to collate it, understand it, and a sincere effort made to integrate it into the decision-making.
Then at the other end, the accommodation.... You're correct, I may be short-handing it to tell you about the right, the duty of consultation. I'm also from British Columbia, so I do appreciate that that's the way they articulate it there. But the accommodation is a second stage in the process. Once you have the consultation, once you truly understand what's at stake and have reflected upon what it means in your decision-making process, then you're better informed to consider what will be the accommodation that matches the issue, the interests at stake, and the adverse impact that I as a decision-maker may have on it.
Accommodation could be as simple as providing more information. It could be delaying a decision in order to provide more opportunity for input. It could be when you're getting up to the end of the spectrum where there's a significant physical impact on an interest, like a hunting and fishing right. It could be something like changing the route of a pipeline, giving directions on how it's to be constructed.