Thank you for your question. I'm pleased you see the enormous economic potential for the Canadian economy, and for individual Canadians right across this country.
You say that the private sector can't do it on its own, and certainly government has its role too. I hope you're not suggesting, however, that the federal government support the resource companies because that's not where we're heading.
What we need, clearly, is a collaborative effort between the federal government and the provincial governments, and between the provincial governments themselves, because we are talking here about resources and responsibilities that the Constitution has divided between the two levels of government. Some are within federal jurisdiction, some are within provincial jurisdiction, and some are shared, and so we all have a critically important role in that regard.
I should also mention the role of the regulatory bodies. We have been very clear, as a government, that no project will go ahead unless it's safe for Canadians and safe for the environment. We take environmental protection and safety of Canadians very seriously. That is why, in our responsible resource development legislation, we put significant amounts of money into maritime safety and into pipeline safety. We will continue to move forward to make sure that the safety is utterly world-class. This means it's a never-ending task because as technology and science improve, we're going to require industry to move with them.
Our vision is long-term prosperity and security for Canadians, based upon the responsible development of our immense natural resources from coast to coast. Everything we're doing is geared to achieving that overarching objective.