Okay. I really can't speak to that, of course, Mr. Gravelle, but you have noted it. That is fine.
Let's get on with the meeting, then, and with the witnesses. I will now introduce the witnesses for today's meeting.
From the Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow, we have Brent Gilmour, executive director, and Mike Cleland, member, board of directors, and Nexen executive in residence at the Canada West Foundation. That's a long title, but it's good to know where you're coming from. Welcome.
From Devon Canada Corporation, we have Robert Dutton, vice-president, facilities and construction. Welcome to you.
Then, by video conference from Vancouver, British Columbia, from Clean Current Power Systems Inc., we have Christopher Gora, president. Welcome to you, sir, by video conference.
I apologize to all of the witnesses for the delay. It's something that happens around here, especially at this time of the year. Let's get on with the business of the meeting now.
We will get on to the presentations from witnesses in the order that you are listed on the agenda, starting with Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow.
Mr. Gilmour, are you going to start the presentation on that? Go ahead, please, with your presentation. You have up to 10 minutes.