Thank you.
I'll start with the last question first. I think what we're seeing across Canada is it's a long game, but we're catching up. I think that's the underlying theme that you're hearing from all industry, and hopefully that has been presented to the committees. They're now starting to see the opportunities for their marketplace, but the way you create the marketplace is by investing in their adoption.
Therefore, the point for QUEST is that you have to have the policy framework. That's one of our key points that we've been talking about. If you don't have the policy environment, it doesn't matter what you throw at it: it's not going to stick. You have to have something that people want to invest in. I think that's what we're seeing now, both from the federal and the provincial direction. I think the committee's work in the past has helped to create that policy framework across Canada, and we want to encourage that.
I have one other point on your first question, and it really speaks to how you get the institutional knowledge across Canada about creating a smart energy community or a network or using any of these technologies: people have to understand what they are, and they also have to understand what to do with them.
A point that was raised earlier was what the federal government could continue to do. Colleges and universities are now starting to come up with programs for training, whether it be engineering or electrical. These are from photovoltaics to geothermal exchange systems to what have you. What we have not done, though, is engage HRSDC with mapping. What would be required to have a degree in this area? What does it mean to be a specialist in this area, to be ready to apply these technologies that are coming forward? I think that's something we should be looking at.
Programs like SSHRC and others that are encouraging research and development in these areas have been focused on this, but it's not coordinated, and I think that's what we really want to be talking about: how to coordinate investment in training and education programs across Canada. We're at that stage now; it's time to take a really solid look at that, and that will help to build the road and the framework for smart energy communities across Canada.