We definitely have been working on the paraffinic froth treatment technology for more than a decade, and we reach out to academia. We have a partnership with the University of Alberta.
We're really excited about the application of the paraffinic froth treatment. It is designed to remove the solids, the clay particles, out of the bitumen to allow us to blend that with a condensate and put it straight into a pipeline without having to heat it up in an on-site upgrader. An on-site upgrader will raise the temperature of bitumen up to over 500 degrees Celsius to help remove those clay particles out of the bitumen. The products are separated out, blended back together, put down a pipeline in a typical upgrader, and then sent to a second refinery that has to heat it up yet again.
Kearl is going to avoid that first stage of heating up to 500 degrees Celsius. It can go to any number of refineries in North America. By heating it once instead of twice, you dramatically reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the bitumen that Kearl will produce.