I'm quite pleased to see that the automobile industry is meeting the challenge of making better batteries. This is, in my view, the future of advanced energy storage. Given the big market for the car, these batteries have been pushed past the limit we have known in the past.
As an example, there's a B.C. company that develops new technology for batteries. By putting them into a big container you can have as much as a five-megawatt capacity in two containers, and that's very interesting. This is big, and it's just the beginning. This sector has great potential, because it can be imported or exported to the car industries and bring value to Canadian companies.
On hydrogen, we've looked at mixing wind and hydrogen, and this is also a very interesting aspect. Right now the process is not super efficient. It uses the old electrical components to create hydrogen, but there is promising technology that seems to improve the global efficiency of the life cycle. Especially for remote communities, this can be a very good solution for displacing diesel-producing energy.
Compressed air is a technology that is fairly simple and it works. This also has good potential for smaller capacities. I even saw some cars running on compressed air, and it works.