It is important to note that. In other words, since the Conservative government came to power.
Mr. Scott, I just want to ask you a very quick question. You may not have the answer today, but I'm hoping you can perhaps provide more information on three aspects of the very interesting presentation you made.
First, what is Kearl's estimated withdrawal from the Athabasca River, on an annual basis?
Second is the issue of GHG emissions. We'd love to see the comparison with the crude oils refined in the U.S. and which ones you were comparing to. Your presentation was very intriguing.
Third is the cost of reclamation. I've actually approached COSIA. NDP members here have been up in the oil sands three or four times over the course of the year. I've been asking about the cost of reclamation and have yet to get a response. Of course, it's extremely important for public policy.
I don't expect that you would have this information today, but if you could provide that to the committee later on, it would be very helpful.