To apply, communities will submit what they think their performance will be, and it's evaluated by a committee of experts who peer review the project before it's approved. We have some confidence going in, we have some verification at the end, and then we share those lessons.
As I mentioned earlier, we've found $1.1 billion in savings in energy and hundreds of thousands in savings in GHGs. That's hundreds of thousands because we are a small fund, but we've also looked at what challenges communities face.
Within the context of the GMF, we run the partners for climate protection program, which leads a lot of communities to take on energy projects because it's related to climate. We ask them what the barriers are for them in going from zero—which is basically joining the program—to actually putting in place measures and implementing projects that save energy, etc. They've said that their biggest challenge is around having in-house expertise—people who can direct a consultant, people who understand where to take the community—and then having the resources to do it in terms of financing for different projects.