Thank you, Mr. Chair and committee, on behalf of the Canadian Wind Energy Association.
We'd like to thank you for inviting us to speak with you today. I'm very happy to be here sharing our thoughts on R and D as they relate to wind energy.
I'll jump very quickly into the third slide on CanWEA. We're the national industry association. We represent about 400 corporate members that are involved in all areas of the supply chain. We're engaged in policy development, advocacy, communications, outreach, and so on.
I'll turn the page to a quick snapshot of the Canadian market. It's seeing substantial growth; in fact, about 40% on average since 2005. We're going to see this continue in the years ahead. Today it's supplying about 3% of our electricity needs. In some jurisdictions, that's rising to 10%, and even to 20% on the east coast.
Next you'll see a quick snapshot of the installed capacity. In fact, it just goes to show how quickly wind energy moves. This slide is now out of date. We're now at 6,500 megawatts in Canada. It does move that quickly, and sometimes it's hard to keep up. Broadly speaking, you can see that we have installed projects in every province in Canada. System operators continue to reconcile how to manage that variable supply of wind energy. Some of the R and D tools I'm going to speak to you about today are exactly that: tools that these system operators are using to manage that variable supply as we modernize the grid.
I'm not going to go through the whole slide on wind energy R and D in Canada. There are a lot of words there; you can read them for yourself. There is a wide variety of R and D initiatives across Canada: storage, modelling, and system operator tools. All of these initiatives are funded through the federal government. In support, with the federal government, there are many private companies—to name a few, GE, TransAlta, and so on—that continue to invest some of their own dollars, sometimes in partnership with SDTC, to bring projects to fruition and to commercialize these new initiatives as they improve the efficiency of wind turbines and siting and so on.
We have a good story to tell about R and D and funding from the federal government. I included, not in this presentation.... A table should have been provided to you that shows how Canada ranks relative to other countries. If we rank Canada on a per megawatt basis, while it's on the list, which is good to see, I think we clearly can see that we can do better. There are a lot of opportunities to do so. I'm going to go through these as we move forward.
Turning to the next slide, the 2008-09 “Wind Energy Technology Roadmap” developed with Natural Resources Canada and various other stakeholders—universities, academics, the system operators, and industry itself—identified a number of means of moving wind energy forward in Canada. I've pulled out a few of them in terms of the R and D side. I think these warrant a closer review. They certainly are areas in which we could see additional investment that would improve how wind energy is brought onto the grid and would ensure that it's brought on reliably.
In no particular order, these areas are integration—and I'll go into some detail on that in the next few slides, tools and materials to reduce icing, numerical weather prediction models and forecasting of wind energy, and a huge opportunity in Canada in terms of our remote communities, remote mining resources, and so on. These remote operations have a very heavy reliance on diesel fuel, making it expensive and difficult for them to manage.
Turning the page to “Areas of Need—Integration”, I'll very broadly describe integration. Our electricity system is undergoing massive change. The Conference Board of Canada is projecting that over $300 billion of investment will be needed between now and 2030.
This is being brought on by a number of needs. One of them is decarbonization, for various reasons. Others include: reduced volatility; improved domestic supply; an overall need to invest in our infrastructure, which has not seen significant investment and needs investment; refurbishing of plants; upgrading of the various systems; the onset of the smart grid; demand side management; and electric vehicles. All of these things are pressing on the electrical grid that we know today and are changing the way it interacts.
We are no longer a centralized grid per se. We're looking at distributed sources of energy. The customer is getting involved. There are a lot of changes, and with these changes comes a need to bring in new tools. When it comes to wind energy and other aspects, integration is a modelling exercise of examining that grid using very sophisticated models and seeing what is going to happen to it when we play out various scenarios.
There are no national studies of an integration model in Canada. They are done provincially. With an interconnected system such as ours, it certainly makes sense to study this on a national basis. We're unable to take part in continent-wide studies with the U.S. Our system is heavily interconnected with that of the U.S. We need to actually study this with the U.S., and we can't do so at the present time.
We require a technical foundation in which we can make policy decisions. We don't yet have that technical foundation. We do have a multi-million dollar proposal into NRCan, and we are quite confident that it will move forward. It is a proposal that has the support of every single utility in Canada as well as every single utility in the U.S. that borders the Canadian markets. They want to see us move forward on this.
Currently Environment Canada is undertaking a study that will provide necessary inputs into that study. We're looking forward to positive signals from NRCan as we move this proposal forward.
Moving forward into the issue of icing, obviously it's a common occurrence in Canada. We might step outside today and see some icing on our cars.
When icing happens, it reduces the efficiency of existing wind parks and causes them to shut down in some cases. The efficiency of the blades is reduced as ice accumulates on them.
We need to improve the prediction. We need to improve the tools to reduce the amount of ice that grows on blades when freezing rain or other such events occur. There is some limited research, but we can do a lot more. Countries like Sweden, with much less wind than us, are outpacing us in that area.
WESNet, or Wind Energy Strategic Network—a group of universities across Canada that have received significant funding from NSERC and that are about to run out of that money—has done a lot of research on that. The TechnoCentre éolien in Quebec, which receives federal and provincial funding, is at the forefront on that in Canada.
Certainly we could do more. We'd be ashamed to see Sweden outpace us in an area where we should clearly be leaders.
The next page addresses remote communities and the harsh climate. This report is not yet public, but I understand there is a report coming out, with the support of Natural Resources Canada, that details the number of remote communities and their reliance on diesel fuel, and what that means to them in terms of exposure to volatile fuel prices and significant environmental costs associated with emissions and the storage of large amounts of diesel fuel, which can only be brought in at certain times of the year, requiring significant amounts of storage of fuel.
The opportunities are nearly endless, especially when we start looking at remote operations. Just last year, our second of our third territory had brought a new wind project online at the Diavik Diamond Mine. That was a fully private investment. That shows the opportunity is there. It shows the need is there.
Studying how we can better interconnect wind in these very remote electrical grids, which are different from very broad transmission grids, is an area that certainly we could be leaders in as well. Benefits from environmental, economic, and local labour force perspectives can certainly be realized when we look at these sorts of opportunities.
Lastly, forecasting is a tool that is used to minimize challenges associated with variable energy. We're not talking about the six o'clock news weather forecast. We're talking about very sophisticated forecasts that look five minutes, one hour, three hours, two days ahead at what the wind is going to be, at what we think it's going to be. With that knowledge in hand, the system operator can ensure that they have a reliable and efficient system.
Certainly if you asked any system operator around the world if they'd like to have a better knowledge of what's coming up in the next hour as far as the wind goes, they'd say they would love to. The more knowledge they have and the more accurate that forecast is, the more efficiently the rest of the system operates as well, including the wind system itself on the grid.
The occurrence of improved forecasting will be shown as provinces like Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec continue to improve their forecasting. As these provinces grow their amount of wind on the grid, we'll find that the need for forecasting grows significantly as well. Certainly that's an area we can focus on. There has been some work with Environment Canada and Hydro-Québec, but obviously there's always room for more.
In conclusion, we certainly appreciate the involvement of the federal government in terms of R and D investments in Canada. It's reaped significant rewards in terms of improving efficiencies, improving the way wind is interconnected, improving the way we see wind at the community level as well. But there's room for more, and when we look at the way Canada is placed in the world, we think that's quite obvious.
When we look at the technology road map, there are certainly areas where we can identify significant need; integration, icing, remote communities, and forecasting are some, but that's not to take away from the need in other areas, such as storage and so on.
Thank you for your time. I'd be happy to entertain questions.