My question is for Mr. Wamboldt. I want to quote from a Globe and Mail article entitled “Dramatic temperature increases could threaten Canadian health, infrastructure”.
In the article, a Mr. Blair Feltmate is quoted. Mr. Feltmate runs Canada's Climate Change Adaptation Project. I'll just quote from the article:
...Mr. Feltmate said. But “climate change is a done deal. There’s nothing we can do to turn it off....How do we adapt to that new reality?”
Now, I'm quoting this because of the tailings:
Take tailings impoundment areas—the ponds used to store mine waste. Mr. Feltmate said many of the ponds in northern areas were designed “with the idea that permafrost will be in the ground permanently.” In many regions, that isn’t the case.
Can you tell me if this is something that you're looking at? Is this a big issue? And what are the solutions?