A few years ago I was on a bit of a field trip—I think it was in the Sarnia area—and there was a really intelligent inventor who had worked out a system to create a turbine taking off the heat from the heat towers and the heat distribution. It was a great idea. You could see where he was going. It would massively increase efficiency, etc. But like a fair number of my engineering physics classmates over the years, he wasn't exactly—how should we put this?—the best communicator or the most knowledgeable about how to get to business. So I'm throwing out this question to some of the people here representing industry groups. You often represent technologies that have made it this far, which is good, and people who have good business plans and so forth, but what have you done, and what can the government do to help people who have these really good ideas and bring them up in areas like geothermal, smart grid, and others?
I'm sure even though you work with good technologies, you're always seeing new and innovative ideas. What do we need to do to bring those innovative ideas along for those people who have talent but maybe don't have the necessary skills to get them all the way?