Thank you for that.
First of all, just as a point of clarification, certainly the number of reported incidents over time have, in some cases, gone up. These do not all represent oil spills. The vast majority of them are within contained property and many of them are equally gas and oil. I would also point out that the rigour with which the industry has stepped forward to ensure that all reporting is handled means that you will see a pipeline company phone in if they see a smudge of oil on a valve stem, so the analysis of what these actually mean is very important before people get too alarmed.
I would take exception to your statistics with regard to the larger incidents. They are very few in number. Last year there was only one. We've had many years of zero. Granted, 2011 was an exception. There were five, and only one of those was a large spill.
First of all, yes, of course, I have deep sympathy for the concerns being expressed within your province in particular, but what we are doing specifically is both education and technology. On the technology, the detection from inside the pipe, just like the analogy of the medical technologies, is one of the most important breakthroughs. It has resulted in increasing safety in the sector over the last couple of decades and we're nearing some further breakthroughs in terms of the sensitivity of those instruments to guard against any unknown defects creating a problem.