I would say that in some areas we're at the forefront. For example, the smart meter project in Ontario is the largest implementation of time-of-use rates in the world.
California and Ontario took on their projects at about the same time, starting in 2007. Both projects are finishing up about now, but Ontario is the only one that's charging customers based on the time they use power.
Other innovative projects are around renewable energy. We've all seen the large wind farms and the large solar plants. However, in some jurisdictions in Canada they're getting renewable energy near local country roads. This is on the low voltage distribution system. Being able to accommodate that renewable energy is also very innovative.
The third part of innovation, for which we're getting a lot of interest from around the world, is using wireless spectrum. That involves being able to use wireless signals over the WiMax network in a very fast time frame, which allows you to do protection in hundreds of milliseconds. That's also very innovative, and that's where we are leading.