Thank you very much, sir.
I understand that your question comes in two parts. The first part is, is there a role for NRCan to play? Absolutely. NRCan has some of the most well-informed and educated thermal geoscientists in the country, and we've always enjoyed their participation in the geothermal sector and would like to continue to do so.
With regard to mapping, the value to private corporations such as mine of very general maps is very low. Effectively, they tell me things such as there is heat in tectonically active areas, which is a very pedantic statement. At a certain level you need to go granular and when you go granular, it gets very expensive.
I would suggest that the way to do that is with a series of pilots. No one corporation seems to want to take the lead with regard to significant exploration expenses in this regard, but if the government were to prove that it could work in one instance, I think the industry would wake up, as we have seen in the United States. Does that answer your question, sir?