Thank you very much, gentlemen.
Mr. Calkins and Mr. Trost talked a little about the hydraulic fracturing and the testing that is done before it comes out. Then Mr. Nicholls was talking a little bit about tracing and maybe clearing up some of the misinformation about it. That's the one thing I hear in the Yukon. We've explored LNG projects in the Yukon, and fracturing particularly up in the Eagle Plains country.
Generally, the public is weighing in, but when you really corner people on the specific issues and the facts, you hear examples they raise about wells being poisoned and things. But they just don't understand the issue generally—don't understand the science behind it, the lack of science behind it, the fact from fiction in terms of the truth behind the stories that tend to be out there.
This sways government, political, and public opinion on how these projects move forward. I think you articulated clearly what not moving ahead with some of these projects can do to stagnate the GDP growth of a region and our country.
Maybe I'll just give you an opportunity to go on the record a little more to provide the committee and Canadians listening with some additional information on the science of fracturing and the realities behind some of the stories that tend to make the headlines, in contrast with the good news or the success stories that you may be aware of.