I'll answer the question.
The 90% satisfaction rate was not so much regarding the trucks but the whole rethink waste program. The main thing in what we were doing is getting.... We're only picking up garbage now every two weeks versus before when we used to pick it up every week. However, organic we pick up every week. So from a customer perspective, what was changing was the calendar and the frequency of when they could put out garbage, organics, and recycling.
The other one was really the cart system. We introduced the cart system for full automation of the pickup. A big part of it had to do with customers accepting having three city-issued carts versus having the myriad different garbage cans they had. I would say that it's a 90% satisfaction rate. A lot of it is driven from doing the right thing with the waste.
On the negative side, the main complaints revolved around some of the carts being too big. They couldn't be stored in a garage, things like that. So we have introduced four different sizes and people can choose from small to large. There is customer satisfaction around the selection of the size of carts and how fast we can change them if they're not happy with their carts.
I would say from a general—