Thank you for your question.
Yes, we're just starting to get a sense of what the impact is of time-of-use pricing. This is really very new in terms of how customers are going to respond to begin with, in terms of what kind of price differential is required to actually effect change.
There are two sides to it. One is the behavioural, just based upon pricing, and that's something people are trying to get a sense of. The other side of it is the technology side, what kind of tools can be put into the hands of customers and what kind of tools can be put in the hands of companies to be able to affect the load within the households.
We are seeing some interesting things taking place. I mentioned the Atlantic shift project that had nothing to do with time-of-use pricing and everything to do with wind. What in fact it deals with, though, is the ability to control demand and to shape demand. You can shape demand centrally with respect to wind, but you can also shape it, using the same sorts of tools, to match time-of-use pricing.
At the same time, we see a lot of people outside of our industry, in the IT community, in the IP space, who are looking at developing what they call the “Internet of things”, the web 3.0, so that your fridge and your other appliances will be addressable by IP. Well, when those sorts of innovations actually come into play, the end customer will have even more tools to be able to shape their use of electricity.
The innovation in some cases will come from within the industry. In some cases it will come from the Googles of the world. It will be interesting, though, to see how that plays out.