Electricity is a provincial matter, and the province has a regulation with respect to refrigerators, the age at which it was installed, in order to get to the refrigerators that are more sound from an energy point of view. That has been addressed on the refrigeration side.
On the heat side, buildings are what they are. When tenants come in to rent them, there are all kinds of sites, and information is available about whether the building is good or not good in terms of heating. The same principle applies: while the refrigerator is not within your control, the lighting is within your control, and whether you leave your computer on overnight is within your control. There are certainly things the landlord controls and things the tenant controls.
We shouldn't just pitch out submetering as a technique because there are these issues. There will be these issues, and they should be addressed by effective means, but if we give up the ability to submeter, we're giving up a serious ability to conserve energy.