Good afternoon, Mr. Chair. Thank you for inviting us, Parliamentary Secretary Anderson, opposition critic Mr. Julian, and honourable members of Parliament.
My name is Andrew Morin. I'm the vice-president of technical and regulatory affairs for the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada. It's a bit of a mouthful, but we do represent the 15 globally based automotive companies here in Canada. The information is in my notes, but the best way to put it is that we represent all the non-Detroit-based companies in this country.
In 2012, our members sold approximately 930,000, or 55%, of all the new vehicles in the Canadian market. I should also note that over 54% of our companies' Canadian sales were assembled in the NAFTA region. Of those sales, 19% were manufactured at Honda and Toyota's affiliated Ontario assembly plants, and approximately 29% of our sales were assembled in the United States. There are 11 of our 15 manufacturers that currently produce vehicles in the NAFTA region, which includes Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. In an aggregate, our members' affiliated manufacturing operations accounted for over 38% of Canada's light duty vehicle production, that being passenger cars and light trucks.
Our association advocates for the sound public policy to support a competitive and sustainable Canadian automotive marketplace. Our members are committed to meeting the mobility needs of Canadians by offering greater consumer choice and providing leading-edge environmental and safety technologies.
We certainly appreciate the invitation to appear here today and to provide some very brief comments regarding the committee's ongoing study into innovation in the energy sector. Indeed, the federal government's proposed future policy orientation with respect to the end users of energy will have a profound impact on Canada's manufacturers and importers of passenger cars and trucks.
Our comments today will focus on three key areas: first, Canadian companies' requirement for continued flexibility to introduce unique-to-Canada vehicles and technologies that will meet the needs of Canadian consumers and comply with federal regulations; and second, the requirement for better quality fuels, lower sulphur, and caution with respect to the expansion of biomass content requirements in gasoline and diesel. Third, I'll briefly touch on some of the challenges associated with the adoption of new advanced technology vehicles, including electric vehicles, in Canada.
In response to the government's recent publication of the GHG or greenhouse gas emissions regulations for passenger automobiles and light trucks covering the years 2011 through 2016, and then successively 2017 through 2025, our association has reiterated its support for a single national program that addresses both GHG emissions and the fuel efficiency of Canadian specification vehicles. It's our belief that only a national approach to reducing GHG emissions and improving the fuel efficiency of new vehicles will prevent the unwarranted development of an inconsistent patchwork of provincial or territorial requirements.
Now, as previous witnesses have already told you, there is no silver bullet or panacea or, shall I say, green magic, that will enable our companies to meet the aggressive GHG emissions standards for 2011 through 2025. All of our companies will need to employ a very broad suite of technologies to comply with the regulations and satisfy Canadian consumers. These include vehicle downweighting; turbo charging; gasoline direct injection; high output, highly efficient, yet small displacement internal combustion engines, both gas and diesel; further hybridization; clean diesel; multi-speed transmissions; and alternative fuels, including electricity and possibly CNG, and ultimately hydrogen.
The real issue is that 70% to 80% of fuel's energy is lost within the vehicle's powertrain and is not transferred to the wheels as motive power. Thus, the automaker's challenge in this new regulatory environment is very complicated. It's costly and it's fraught with risk.
Our members must do several things. They must improve fuel efficiency, and at the same reduce GHG and criteria air contaminant emissions, as well as shrink the transportation sector's carbon footprint. They must keep customers satisfied, while also increasing power, torque, driveability, and safety equipment, which is, by the way, demanded by government regulation as well. We also have to improve utility and legroom, of course.
Canada has unique infrastructure relative to the U.S. Our extreme climate and sprawling geography, including long driving ranges, are natural inhibitors to the introduction of some new technologies, such as battery electric vehicles. Consider, for example, that Canadians purchased only 571 battery electric vehicles in 2011 and only slightly more than 2,400 in 2012, which respectively account for .03% and 0.1% of annual Canadian new vehicle sales.
Even after 13 years on the market, conventional gasoline electric hybrid vehicles, for example, the Prius family from Toyota, account for only about 5% of new vehicle sales in Canada. We have much more work to do.
We expect that the internal combustion engine, therefore, will be primarily fuelled by gasoline and diesel, and potentially by hybrid electric, and these will serve as the predominant vehicle engine technologies for the foreseeable future.
Given that the Canadian light duty vehicle market comprises a significantly different fleet mix relative to the U.S., the types of vehicles sold by our companies in Canada are typically smaller and more fuel efficient than those sold by our members' U.S.-based affiliates.
While our companies will continue to design, build, and sell common products in the Canadian and U.S. markets, we ask that the Government of Canada be mindful that Canadian companies must always require the flexibility to introduce Canada-unique vehicles, meaning vehicles that might not be marketed in the U.S. We might also require the need to introduce unique powertrain offerings or even other technology variants, including safety features that meet the specific needs of Canadian consumers while also satisfying government regulations.
Canadian companies, I would remind you, and not their U.S.-based planners or their international parents, are solely responsible for compliance with these stringent GHG regulations in Canada.
With respect to fuel quality and the requirement for lower sulphur content in Canada, we remind the committee that vehicles and fuels are an interdependent technology. They demand a holistic systems approach to both reductions in GHG emissions and improving the quality of Canadian gasoline and diesel fuels. Improvements in fuel quality will, to a very large extent, determine which advanced technologies will be required to meet the 2011 to 2016 and 2017 to 2025 GHG emissions regulations.
To facilitate the introduction of the latest, and I mean the most cutting edge, internal combustion engine technology and to meet the requirements of government regulations, two critical improvements for fuel quality are required in Canada. These include the requirement for lower sulphur in gasoline to a 10 ppm maximum, and also the higher octane levels; for example, increasing availability of 95 research octane fuel across Canada.
At the bare minimum, the Government of Canada must align its sulphur requirements for Canadian fuels with the anticipated U.S. tier 3 proposal to reduce sulphur in fuel, which is expected to be released either later this month or next month in the U.S.
It's important to note that this recommendation is very consistent with the November 2009 Environment Canada auto industry-oil industry joint work group, which produced the “Report of the Technical Working Group on Certain Fuel Quality Parameters”.
With regard to the introduction of renewable fuel content, fuel additives, and so-called boutique fuels, I just have to say that our industry's experiences with certain biofuels, including higher level ethanol blends and including methanol and biobutanol, for example, have been largely negative. Without sufficient evidence to show that increased biomass in conventional gasoline and diesel is safe for vehicles, consumers, and our environment, the Government of Canada should delay moving ahead on an E15, or higher, mandate for gasoline until all studies are complete regarding the potential impact of these blends upon the current fleet and on future vehicles, both in Canada and the U.S.
Similarly, before any new boutique additive or component is introduced into Canada’s fuelling infrastructure, or indeed the on-road fleet, our companies expect that at a minimum, a potential new additive would be registered with the U.S. EPA and have successfully completed all relevant tests and extensive third party validation covering factors including human health effects, toxicity, fuel distribution system durability and impact, catalyst and engine durability, as well as the finished fuel shelf life and storage.
Finally, I'll just touch very quickly on some of the challenges with the adoption of advanced technology vehicles. Canadian consumers' general price sensitivity and cautious approach to adopting new technologies, as demonstrated by the slower adoption of EVs, electric vehicles, in Canada—and I say all types of electric vehicles, both hybrids and the pure electrics—relative to their U.S. cousins, could further exacerbate our members' challenges in complying with regulations.
Given the relatively small size of the Canadian market and the current lack of a regulatory framework that would permit the introduction of plug-in electric vehicles, for example, it could be difficult for Canadian companies to develop a business case to support the introduction of some ATVs, advanced technology vehicles, in this country. This is especially true given the lack of market incentives available to consumers that would encourage the more rapid adoption of new technologies, as well as the infrastructure challenges inherent in Canada.
The federal government's efforts to improve EV infrastructure availability will, to some extent, determine the pace of EV and PHEV, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, adoption in Canada over the next decade or so.
I'll stop there. Chair, thank you once again for your time and attention. I'd be happy to take the committee's questions as the meeting progresses.