That was in the context of the changes made in last year's budget to the SR and ED tax credit. That international comparison was made for the treatment of large companies. It did not include the tax credit that is offered to what we call small CCPCs, which benefit from a 35% refundable tax credit under SR and ED. The large companies only benefit from a 20% tax credit, which will now be 15%. It was in that context that we compared the competitiveness of the tax credit.
We do have some members who will use that tax credit in the clean energy sector. Some of our members, not a big group but close to probably 75 to 100 of our members in Quebec and Ontario who are in the business of wind energy and solar energy, will use that tax credit to sustain their business.
In terms of that, what it means for them, it's going to cut, of course, all their capital investments.