Yes, I guess from the natural gas for transportation perspective, what this was really all about was we got a lot of bumps and bruises the first time we tried natural gas because we tried to do it across the spectrum. So let's be smart about it as government and industry and figure out what the right niche is.
The conclusion, of course, was the return to base—medium and heavy vehicles and regional corridors—but there's got to be sort of an ongoing collaboration. Certainly on the natural gas side, we see no role for government spending on infrastructure, but we absolutely see an important role to define, to create a period of certainty, so that we see that private sector investment in Canada.
I think the interesting thing, especially in a jurisdiction like the Yukon, is that we're starting to see more and more off-grid, off-pipe opportunities because of LNG, and that's going to open up. We've got to be very aggressive and opportunistic about it so that, if there is an LNG opportunity, that can then open up both local heat as well as transportation, but more on a one-off basis depending on the nature of the opportunity. Certainly from my comments, it's probably pretty clear that we are very much targeting the high fuel consumption applications—and that's a space too where there really are very few options to reduce emissions—and one of our fastest growing sources, heavy diesel vehicles.