I think implementing a plan to move one of these technologies forward would help with employment, there's no doubt about that. Once you start to support a technology, support its use, the use of the products, support the rollout of different spinoffs and ancillary services, you start to see this sort of ecosystem develop.
Germany has done that very well around different renewable energy technologies. Ontario has tried to do that within the last few years, with their Green Energy and Green Economy Act, with some success.
I would argue that as a nation we could do it better. We might not be able to have a single strategy that would cover the whole nation, coast to coast to coast, but maybe three strategies, the way I was talking about before, would give us something to work with.
So yes, I think you can have jobs and income. I think if you prioritize jobs, you might end up with a different strategy than if you prioritize income. Again, knowing those metrics and knowing where we want to go is important.