We're seeing a lot of promise with thermo-chemical technologies. These are the technologies that companies like Enerkem have moved forward, using gasification. They use heat to break the biomass down. They produce a lot of heat during production, so it's very important for us to find a use for that heat. In our western provinces where we have some industries that use a lot of heat to drive things forward—and I'm thinking of the conventional energy industry—there's a nice match there.
The biochemical approach, on the other hand, has the potential to deliver higher value products, and we're starting to see some of those products emerge. We're trying to link those up to the existing chemical industry.
There's a problem with bio-products in that there is no real incentive for a bio-based component in a plastic, or a bio-based component in a chemical. Using mandates could help us there. It's something that I know they've talked about in the United States—introducing a 5% or 10% renewable content mandate. We could look at something similar here.