Thank you. What you are saying is valid and important. There has been a lot of reluctance on the government’s part to assume this responsibility, but we really hope that your involvement will help make the government accountable.
I'd like to continue with you, Mr. Mabee. You mentioned the metrics around jobs or greenhouse gases. Now, we of course know that what Canada's missing, and part of the reason why we've lost half a million manufacturing jobs over the last few years, is that we don't have in place any real green technology, clean technology, strategy, and many other countries are picking up the jobs. Germany is a good example—300,000 jobs that we don't have because our government has really failed in that respect.
Would you not think that we can actually do both, that by putting in place a strategy around renewable energy, green energy, we can actually have the jobs that we're missing out on in that trillion-dollar market and have what most Canadians want, which is having Canada combat climate change?