Thank you.
Our government continues to work domestically and internationally to promote a more secure supply of medical isotopes. The isotope technology acceleration program, ITAP, is investing $25 million over four years to further advance the development of cyclotron and linear accelerator technologies for the domestic production of the most widely used medical isotope, technetium-99m, meeting a clear health public policy need. That would be the production of non-highly enriched uranium, so it also has the advantage of meeting our non-proliferation obligations.
We're investing in three projects that are being led by innovative Canadian organizations which have made great strides in transforming the way medical isotopes are produced in Canada and that met the best, rigorous criteria set under a fair, competitive process.
The projects that include this process and that were signed under ITAP are at the University of Alberta, with $7 million for their cyclotron; at TRIUMF, in British Columbia, with $7 million for their cyclotron; and at the Prairie Isotope Production Enterprise, which has about $7.5 million for a linear accelerator in Manitoba. These investments reinforce Canada's leadership in medical isotopes. They support high-quality jobs at home, and they grow business opportunities for domestic and international markets.