The analysis is extraordinary in terms of the rates of growth, China and India being primary drivers of that growth.
In terms of reference points, perhaps I can use natural gas as an example. China is growing at such a rapid clip, but the point at which they're growing from is also quite small. So with regard to the volume they're going to be consuming, even though the percentages of fossil fuels may be not as high as in other traditional economies, natural gas is going to quadruple, as you said, from about five trillion cubic feet a year now to about 20 trillion cubic feet a year in terms of consumption by 2035. That volume of gas consumption is....
I think we consume five trillion cubic feet a year here now in Canada. Four times what we consume today will in a short period of time be consumed by China alone.
Japan is transitioning from, for example, its different energy forms, and is rapidly growing its renewable base as well as its natural gas consumption; India similarly.
So all of them are moving, and they have the ability, given the size and the way their markets work, to invest heavily in renewables, traditional fossil fuels, nuclear, and even other alternative energy forms, such as wood pellets, synthetics, and other things.