Yes. I guess Mr. Garneau isn't officially part of the committee yet, in terms of paperwork and stuff, but that is a very good point, Mr. Julian, and I thank you for that.
Mr. Garneau, welcome to our committee. We're very much looking forward to having you as a member of the committee. I'm sure you will add a lot of value to the committee. We're looking forward to that. It's good to see you here.
We have a number of witnesses today.
First, from the Department of Natural Resources, we have Jeff Labonté, director general, petroleum resources branch, the energy sector. Welcome.
Jonathan Will is director general of the electricity resource branch, energy sector. Welcome.
John Foran is director of the oil and gas policy and regulatory affairs division, petroleum resources branch, energy sector. Welcome to you.
And Dave McCauley is director, uranium and radioactive waste division, electricity resources branch of the energy sector. You've been before our committee previously, on other topics, as have some of the others.
From the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, we have Carolyn Knobel, director of the multi-industry sector and virtual practices division, global business opportunities bureau. That's quite a handle.
As you guys can see, we have a really wide range of responsibilities represented by the officials today. That's the type of topic we have.
I'm very much looking forward to the presentation by the departmental officials, and then we'll get to questions and comments.
Would you please go ahead with the presentation, Mr. Labonté.