First of all, usually you're talking about electricity-generating capacity when you're talking about green energy. If you look at the expectations for the types of capacity that will be installed in Canada going forward, wind and hydro are the two biggest sources of capacity addition. So I do think we are—at least it appears that we're moving forward on it.
Our position is that if you want to promote green energy, we need to put it on the same playing field as traditional carbon-based energy. That means you need to account for the cost associated with carbon emissions. Right now, it's an externality. It's free to emit. So if you want to use a market-based approach to try to push companies towards reducing their emissions, making more use of green energy, you put a price on the commodity, the greenhouse gases that you don't want them to be emitting. As you pointed out, part of that is that obviously you can't necessarily slap a big tax on businesses. You have to help them with transition strategies to get them from where they are now to where we need them to be. There's a lot money invested already in the existing capital stock, and you don't want to just necessarily throw that away.
If you're talking about developing green energy as an export, rather than just changing our internal mix, then you have to start asking questions about where we are going to sell it. We do have a domestic market. We're already quite hydro-intensive. More than, roughly, two-thirds of our electricity comes from hydro, so there are limits to how much more we can grow that portion of our energy mix domestically. If you want to export it, as Mr. Heaps mentioned, we could potentially displace coal-fired generating capacity in the United States, but there are obviously parties that have a stated position already about that. You're talking about displacing existing market participants, because demand growth is fairly flat going forward.
If we're going to get there, we need to level the playing field, I would say. If you're talking about export markets, well, then we need to get our partners in line with our current policies.