There's no doubt that all of these activities we're talking about are highly capital-intensive. You're talking about billions of dollars of investment even for an individual project, so you have to have access to it.
Up until now, there hasn't been a shortage of capital in the sense that we have adequate domestic sources and we've been open to foreign investment. Between those two sources, the money's been there. Basically, if you're able to make a return on a project, then businesses have been able to raise the capital to do it.
If we were to be a little more aggressive with limiting foreign investment, we would still have the domestic capital resources, but I would argue it's not necessarily a good thing. We're talking about diversification of our energy. Well, now all of our capital resources would be devoted to one or a few industries. It's better to diversify what we're investing in just to reduce risk.
This is true for anybody, whether you're an individual investor or pension funds or whatever. You don't want to be focused just on investing in energy. You want to have a plethora of potential investment opportunities open to you.