That leads a little bit into my second question.
I'm in favour of generating wealth from the oil sands as long as we do it in a responsible way. Now, you said that currently we're producing about a million and a half barrels a day. It's going to be three million pretty soon. There are commitments and money being invested to get up to five million barrels in the medium term, possibly before 2020.
At the same time, the current government has given itself an objective of reducing greenhouse gases by 17% by 2020, below 2005 levels.
Is there a problematic intersection that could be reached in the sense that once the machine is moving towards developing this capacity, and given the fact that the sectoral approach that's been taken by the government will be very sensitive to the oil and gas sector, because there is a limited amount of manoeuvring room with the other sectors, we could say, “Hey, we're not going to meet those targets”, if we are producing more than a certain number of millions of barrels a day?
I'd like to hear from Dr. Mintz on that first, and then from Mr. McGowan.
Then I'd like to hear from Norway on whether they've had to balance their environmental objectives with their production objectives. I'd like to know whether they've ever reached a point where they've had to say, “Hey, we'd better slow down”, or if they've always been able to stay ahead of the curve.