For sure. These are budget implementation bills that contain numerous amendments to legislation that, from the perception of our communities and our peoples, have really undermined the environmental safeguards that we thought were in there. The net result is that the water we rely on, the fish that our communities rely on, and the game that our people rely on are at a significantly higher risk of jeopardy.
I'll give you a very good example. Maybe it's not directly related to this, but look at the Gitga'at people and the sinking of the Queen of the North near Hartley Bay. That Queen of the North is leaking fuel, and no one has done anything about it. It's within the area where the Gitga'at people continually rely on sea resources. If someone was able to demonstrate that they really are talking about marine safety, and if they're able to take measures to stop the flow of fuel into the marine environment, then maybe you'd make some believers out of the communities on the coast.