It's not particularly projects, but the manner in which projects proceed and are reviewed. We've constantly said that we need to ensure that our communities are involved in environmental assessments. We need to know what the environmental standards are. We need to know how these standards are being applied in every project. We need to know under what standards these projects are being reviewed. Right now, those standards have been minimized. We step up to the front and say that we have a responsibility to our generation. Not only that but we have a responsibility to future generations.
I hear there are shale gas opportunities in the northern part of British Columbia and Alberta. It's estimated to be 100 years' worth of shale gas. That's three generations. What about four or five generations? What happens with those descendants of ours who have to make a living down the road? How do we ensure that we have some protections for them? When all of the resources are gone, what happens? How fast do we remove it and for whose benefit? What are the prices that are being generated? What is the price that goes back into the land? Who is putting money back into the land to ensure a healthy environment? As I said, water has an economic value. The food that we rely on has an economic value. Nobody measures that. Everything is about the cost of crude oil, bitumen, or natural gas. There's a lot of discussion that is important, but there's also what we, our people, rely on and how important it is to our communities. There has been that oil spill.
In British Columbia, first nations communities are opposed to, for example, the Northern Gateway, but the Union of B.C. Municipalities as well have passed resolutions opposing that particular project. In addition, some northern communities along the proposed pipeline route stand opposed to that particular project. The coastal communities and the first nations communities rely on the sea and the resources from the sea to feed their families and to provide for jobs and opportunities for them. The fishing industry is an important industry for them. What happens if you have a failed tanker?