Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses for coming here.
I'm going to start with some general questions, and then as we go on they'll become more defined.
I note that you said “when we get to sufficient mapping”. I thought it was an interesting turn of phrase. I remember what my structural geology professor taught me when he taught mapping. He said no geological map is ever a hundred percent right, including ones that he had produced. There's never a point where we're a hundred percent sure on everything.
I understand that a project gets to a point where the private sector takes over. I would say it's sufficient and it's proven by an economic test. But how do we decide and allocate what is sufficient? It would be helpful to decide if this program needs to be continued past 2013. What is the test you use to decide when it's sufficient and when it can be turned over to the private sector to do more in-depth surveys and mapping?