Thank you very much.
Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, we appreciate the opportunity to join you today to share our views from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers in regard to your market diversification study.
In particular, as you know, we have a very important focus on this issue. Our focus right now, for today, will be on the oil and gas sector, but that spreads across, as you'll hear from the other witnesses, to other sectors as well.
Let me start by putting in your minds the context for the Canadian oil and gas industry as we discuss this market diversification.
First off, our industry in Canada plays an important role. We invested $61 billion in Canada this last year just in capital investments and paid $21 billion to governments in royalties and taxes. We employ about half a million people, and we account for about 20% of the exports in Canada.
In a nutshell, the oil and gas sector plays a very vital role in the Canadian economy. To play that role, for us market growth and diversification are critical: first, to assure that we have a market outlet for our growing crude oil supply and our natural gas production; second, to improve access to global prices for our products; third, to improve the security and reliability for all Canadians; and fourth, to continue to provide the economic benefits I talked about, and improve the quality of life for Canadians across the country.
In order to realize this, Canada needs to be competitive. We also need to have the social licence to develop and operate the infrastructure necessary to move these products to our markets.
Let me start with crude oil and give you an idea of that. Canada has been very much blessed with abundant crude oil resources. We have the third largest resources in the world. Canada's production right now of crude oil far exceeds our domestic and local refining capacity. The map I brought with me indicates that we have about two million barrels a day of refining capacity here in Canada right now.
Even with these world-class resources, though, it is not well known that the refineries in eastern and Atlantic Canada—from Quebec east—actually import over 60%, or 670,000 barrels a day, of their oil from offshore suppliers. About two-thirds of our Canadian crude oil production is actually exported, and almost all of those exports are to a single market in the United States.
Natural gas, likewise, has a vast and growing resource available to it due to new technology developments. It has really unlocked this large shale gas resource not only in Canada but also in the United States.
As is the case for oil, our natural gas production really does exceed our domestic requirements. Again, about 60% of our production here in Canada is exported, but exclusively to the United States. With the surge in shale gas production in the U.S. and Canada, supply is being backed out of its more traditional markets in the U.S. In fact the U.S. gas is now being imported into eastern Canadian markets. The market is working.
Any discussion on market diversification of the Canadian energy sector needs to take into account the recent changes that have changed so dramatically our market trends. First, the crude oil production from western Canada is about three million barrels a day. It's expected to reach about four and a half million barrels a day by 2020. Most of this growth will come from the oil sands production, which is heavy crude.
New application of technology, however, is unlocking large resources in this tight oil—or oil shale, as it's sometimes called, where there's light oil that is simply in tight resources, less porous reservoirs—and it's moving to offset the declines that we have seen in our industry over the last several years.
We'll be releasing our annual forecast in about a month, but I want to assure you today that we don't anticipate, in the data we've seen so far, any significant changes in that forecast.
The outlook for crude oil demand in the United States is relatively flat. Recent Canadian production has experienced discounts relative to world oil markets due to a significant increase in the supply in North America of both oil sands and this tight oil, and the lack of infrastructure to get those new supplies to markets.
Estimates are in place that this price disconnect between the price available to Canadian production in the North American market and that in the global markets is costing the Canadian economy, not just the industry, about $50 million per day. This is a key driver for us to expand and diversify our markets.
The potential that exists to grow and diversify our markets for Canadian oil includes, first off, eastern Canada, exports from Canada's west coast, and the U.S. gulf coast. Let me go through each of those three quickly.
In eastern Canada in 2012, as I mentioned, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces alone, not just all of eastern Canada, imported 700,000 barrels a day of their 800,000 barrels a day of production, from offshore sources. This region is currently purchasing crude oil at world market prices, which are currently higher than the domestic prices we're seeing in the rest of Canada. The timing for this new infrastructure is important, as Canada is not the only infrastructure that we're looking for.
That supply from western Canada is going to supply reliability and security in a very competitive financial way to eastern Canadian consumers. In addition to the pipeline, though, rail alternatives are also being proposed to increase this movement of oil into eastern Canada. While the market will ultimately make that decision, we think there's a strong case to grow the western Canadian supply into these markets.
I want to talk about the west coast options. With Asia being the fastest growing energy market in the world, it represents a great opportunity for Canadian heavy oil producers. As an example, in 2011 China imported 5.7 million barrels of oil a day to satisfy its needs.
In addition to Asia, there is also the refining capacity in the states of Washington and California, and it's almost 2.8 million barrels a day. Last year, these refineries imported only 146,000 barrels a day from Canada. A key source of supply for these regions is Alaskan crude, which has been declining over the last 10 years, and given the proximity to our west coast, this is an opportunity that we would like to fill. Both pipeline and rail options are under consideration to actually increase the export market access to these markets as well.
Last but clearly not least is the U.S. gulf coast. While market diversification is critical, it doesn't make sense for any producer to be tied solely to just one market. There is also no doubt that the U.S. will continue to be our major market for exports for crude oil into the future.
The U.S. gulf coast represents the most significant opportunity in North America for market growth for Canadian heavy oil producers. There is a market of nine million barrels a day in the U.S. gulf coast. A significant portion of that is heavy oil capacity that has already been built and is currently processing heavy oil from other suppliers.
Refineries in this market are importing oil from Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. Imports from Mexico and Venezuela have been declining in recent years. Canada has an opportunity to fill that gap, provide a reliable, secure supply, and satisfy the needs of these existing refineries if the pipeline capacity is put in place.
Again, a number of pipeline proposals, including Keystone XL and others, and rail proposals are looking to fill that gap. Many of the options that were put on the table are being evaluated; it is well advanced and Keystone is one of the most strongly supported in the market. In our view, there's a strong case for approval of this project on its merits, and we believe that the Department of State, with its supplemental environmental impact statement and its recent points, has made that point very clear.
Let me turn briefly to what Mr. Egan talked about in regard to natural gas.
For natural gas, there's a significant growth in unconventional gas supply, both in Canada and in the U.S. Shale gas has become a game changer, most notably due to the Marcellus and other plays in the southwest U.S., and what we call the Montney or the Horn River plays here in Canada.
A number of the traditional markets for our Canadian natural gas exports are in close proximity to this growing natural gas supply in the U.S. As a result, our Canadian gas producers are looking for other opportunities both to expand and to diversify their markets, not only to other geographical areas but into other uses in Canada as well. This has resulted in substantial changes in the North American market, both in pricing and in where that gas moves.
One of the most important things for us is seeking that demand beyond our North American borders, particularly in the growing markets in Asia via liquefied natural gas exports. It's fair to say that the future of our natural gas industry in western Canada is largely dependent on the timing and competitive development of liquefied natural gas export and its infrastructure on Canada's west coast.
Canada has a window of opportunity to develop this LNG off Canada's west coast, but it must be done relatively expediently in order to compete globally with well-established and emerging LNG-exportìng countries. This is a very competitive global market, in which Canada is somewhat of a latecomer. To date, three projects have received their licences to export LNG from Canada, and there are another four that are being proposed in order to take a look at that. This has the potential of about six billion cubic feet a day.
Equally, in addition to these growing export markets, there are opportunities to expand use of natural gas here in Canada. The key markets for natural gas include, of course, the oil sands, natural gas for power generation, natural gas for transportation—as Tim has mentioned, not just for long-haul vehicles but also for fleet vehicles—and natural gas for home heating and other domestic needs. All of these will require new infrastructure and expanded existing infrastructure, so there can be market diversity in that way as well.
We are clearly on the global stage as the Canadian oil and gas industry and have many strengths with which to compete on those global markets, but there are a few things that it would be helpful for the government to do to help us out as well. The industry has its role to play. We need to demonstrate responsible development and continuous improvement in our economic, environmental, and social performance. We need to be transparent. We need to do cooperative research and development like COSIA, which was mentioned by Ms. Drohan. We need to be transparent in communicating and in dialoguing effectively with the public.
Likewise with governments, there are a few things we'd like to put on the table that could be helpful in expanding and diversifying this market.
First would be ensuring policy that is right for Canada, recognizing our energy circumstances and our economic dependence on responsible resource development. Second would be ensuring that Canada has a world-class regulatory system, for example, as it relates to the management of transportation of oil that we've seen the federal government move forward with recently. Third would be advancing policy that continues to support timely and efficient regulatory decision making. Fourth would be ensuring that an integrated policy approach to market growth and diversification addresses all the elements: fiscal, environmental, trade, aboriginal, and regulatory. Last would be advancing policy that continues to reinforce our commitment to open borders and free trade.
With Canada's economy and the international opportunities at stake, we believe this is a very important opportunity for both industry and governments, and one that can help us as an industry realize those economic benefits that I talked about earlier.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.