Absolutely. I'll comment very quickly because I know you're short on time.
First, on pipeline safety, the newest pipelines that are being built right now are being built with high technology and a great deal of redundancy and safety in place. It constantly has to be improved and demonstrated that that's the case. Recent incidents unfortunately have been showing that the older pipelines that we've been working with have been a challenge, but they're putting in the mechanisms to do that.
With respect to rail, rail has come forward and said that they could actually fill a niche with the pipelines. Originally they came out and said they would compete with them and it's either rail or pipelines. Now they're saying, “We know that pipelines could eventually be built in this quarter. We can start and do it earlier or we can take it, for example, from Ontario off to New York and other places until the pipeline is put in place”. They're starting to find a way to move that niche, and the volumes being moved by rail are increasingly significant.