It should also be noted, in addition to India and China, that recently the one with United Arab Emirates was another one that was concluded, as well as one with Russia. The significance of one like the United Arab Emirates is that it highlights another area of future expansion; the next frontier for nuclear energy might be some Middle Eastern nations. We've had a nuclear cooperation agreement with Jordan for some time now, and with the United Arab Emirates.
These are countries that have readily pumped their oil out of the ground and burned it to produce electricity, which is probably not the greatest for the environment. They've realized that it's not the greatest for their economy either. They can pull it out of the ground at a cost of $7 or $8 a barrel, and instead of selling it on the world market for $90, they're consuming it. They're starting to look at nuclear as a way to replace oil, not only from an environmental and a greenhouse gas perspective, but also from an economic perspective. The Middle Eastern nations, those that are credible and legitimate democracies, are the ones where the Canadian government is looking to now, and certainly the nuclear industry is peeking at them as well.
Beyond that, I mentioned there is an expansion going on with existing countries that have nuclear power. Those that are engaging in it and looking at it for the first time, which includes a number of South American nations for a number of reasons, are the areas the federal government has looked toward. The big emphasis obviously for the industry was getting the agreements concluded with China and India.
Now that they are concluded, I think there is some administration that goes along with actually making the transaction. First of all, we have to have a contract in place. Second, there is an involvement between the regulatory agencies from the respective countries, import and export permit rules, and so forth. The administration of the actual sales will now take over from the negotiation of nuclear cooperation agreements on the ground for us.